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Exploring Senses is a non-profit community arts organisation based in Brighton, active since 2011.

We’re a group of artists focused on collaboration, creativity, and connecting with local communities. Through workshops, events, and exhibitions, we offer opportunities for people of all ages to explore new skills and ideas across art, crafts, and technology. We prioritise informal, hands-on learning and encourage sustainable practices, reusing materials whenever we can.


Our work spans across different creative fields, from art and music to fashion and subcultures, and we design tailored activities to meet the specific needs of our partners and clients. We also take on artist commissions.

If you're interested in learning more, collaborating, or joining the Exploring Senses team, we’d love to hear from you.

Our MakerLabs are based at BACA Secondary School in Falmer and at the East Brighton Trust in Westergate Business Park, Brighton.

Dream World - Youth Arts Film

Exploring Senses artists collaborated with young people to create the artwork, lyrics, music and digital artist Nathan Clear to bring the elements together create this short film about mental health for Dreamy Place. 

Dream Reality - Youth Arts Film

Exploring Senses artists collaborated with young people to create the artwork, lyrics, music and digital artist Nathan Clear to bring the elements together create this short film about mental health for Dreamy Place. 

Behind the Mask - Youth Mental Health Film

Exploring Senses artists collaborated with young people to create the artwork, Audio Active 'Room to Rant' for the lyrics and digital artist Nathan Clear to create this short film about mental health for Third Thursdays. 

Supporters of our project include

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Exploring Senses CIC. Registered Address, Flat 3, 81 Montpelier Road, Brighton, BN1 3BD.

Registered in England and Wales, Company Number 07794560.

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